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What if a handle isn't in stock?

Feel free to shoot an email to or DM on instagram @StreetKreature. We will get you squared away.


Do you do kustom orders?



Do you do make any other handles for other vehicles besides S-Chassis?

Yes! There are handles and upholstery options available for Toyota vehicles as well.


Do you ship internationally?

Hell Yeah We Do!


What are shipping times?

USA: 5-7Days USPS 

International Shipping: 2-4weeks (Depends on what part of the world you live in)



How come my handle doesn't fit properly?

If your car has been beat on and has had adjustment made, it is possible your handle is not going to sit in the slot properly. Removing the rubber grommet that is around the perimeter of the ebrake slot can give you that extra room you need. 


This feels different than my original handle?

That's because it's a plastic and not a rubber. If you'd you like a rubber handle please send an email to


My handle split!!!

If you get your handle to hot you WILL RUIN the longevity of the material, weakening it. If this happens please send an email to or message on instagram @StreetKreature. A picture will need to be provided in order for a replacement to be sent to you.




Slidewayz Sticker
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